Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Name |
The name of the site |
string |
Required Max length: 100 |
Postal |
The postal code of the site |
string |
Required Max length: 20 |
WebDesignId |
WebDesignId of the site |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 9.22337203685478E+18 |
TimeZoneId |
The time zone of the site |
string |
None. |
EnterpriseUnitId |
The enterprise unit of the site |
string |
None. |
AddressLine1 |
The first address line of the site |
string |
Max length: 300 |
AddressLine2 |
The second address line of the site |
string |
Max length: 300 |
City |
The city of the site |
string |
Max length: 30 |
State |
The state of the site |
string |
Max length: 30 |
Latitude |
The latitude of the site |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between -90 and 90 |
Longitude |
The longitude of the site |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between -180 and 180 |
Description |
A short description of the site to give customer more context |
string |
Max length: 100 |
VoicePhone |
The phone number of the site |
string |
Max length: 30 |
FAXPhone |
The fax number of the site |
string |
Max length: 30 |
OrderSubmitEmailList |
One or more email recipients when an order is submitted to this site. Separate with ';'. |
string |
Max length: 1024 |
DeliveryRange |
Range in miles surrounding the site's location where delivery is supported |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 1.79769313486232E+308 |
StoreIdentifier |
The StoreIdentifier (CMC Id, SITE HASP) to set for this site (if present) |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 9.22337203685478E+18 |
PrepLeadTimePickup |
Determine the lead time for pickup orders for this site in minutes |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 2147483647 |
PrepLeadTimeDelivery |
Determine the lead time for delivery orders for this site in minutes |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 2147483647 |
BrowsableState |
The browsable state of the site |
SiteBrowsableState |
None. |
OrderingState |
The ordering state of the site |
ApiSiteOrderingState |
None. |
IsEnabled |
True if the site is enabled and accessible to the public |
boolean |
None. |
IsEmergencyClosed |
Determine if the site is closed beyond regular hours |
boolean |
None. |
IsMobileEnabled |
True if the site allows mobile orders |
boolean |
None. |
SupportsPickup |
True if the site allows pickup orders |
boolean |
None. |
SupportsCurbSidePickup |
Defines if the site supports CurbSide pickup |
boolean |
None. |
SupportsDelivery |
True if the site allows delivery orders |
boolean |
None. |
SupportsDineIn |
Is dine-in order mode enabled for this site |
boolean |
None. |
ConfigurationSetId |
ConfigurationSet Id of the store |
integer |
None. |
OpenCheckEnabled |
Does site support OpenCheck |
boolean |
None. |
StartTabEnabled |
Does site support StartTab |
boolean |
None. |
OpenCheckAutoCloseEnabled |
Does site support OpenCheckAutoClose |
boolean |
None. |
RequireTableNumber |
Does site Require table number |
boolean |
None. |
ExternalId |
ExternalId of the site |
string |
None. |
SiteSettings |
The site settings for this site |
Collection of Setting |
None. |
SiteHours |
List of site hours |
Collection of ApiSiteHours |
None. |
FreedomPayStoreId |
The StoreId for FreedomPay |
string |
Max length: 50 |
FreedomPayTerminalId |
The TerminalId for FreedomPay |
string |
Max length: 50 |
CreditProcessingMode |
The Credit Processing Mode for the site |
CreditProcessingMode |
None. |
CreditSiteId |
The CreditSiteId for Connected Payments |
string |
Max length: 20 |