
POST v1/Site/AddSite

Creates a site.

POST v1/Site/SpecialEvents

Edits A Special Event

PUT v1/Site/{siteId}?siteIdType={siteIdType}&IsIncludeConfidentialValues={IsIncludeConfidentialValues}

Updates a site.

PUT v1/Site/SpecialEvents

Adds A Special Event

PATCH v1/Site/Hours

Updates properties of a site.

GET v1/Site/SpecialEvents

Get All Special Events for the company

GET v1/Site/{siteId}?includeAttributes={includeAttributes}&isIncludeConfidentialValues={isIncludeConfidentialValues}

Retrieves a site with the given internal id

DELETE v1/Site/SpecialEvents/{specialEventId}

Deletes a Special Events for the company

GET v1/Site/AllSites

Retrieves all sites

GET v1/Site?externalId={externalId}

Retrieves a site with the given external id

GET v1/Site/Search/{searchTerm}?offset={offset}&limit={limit}&lastTimeRetrieved={lastTimeRetrieved}&lastImportedBefore={lastImportedBefore}

Retrives all of the sites matching the search term and divides the results based on the page size.

GET v1/Site/SearchFullSiteObjects/{searchTerm}?offset={offset}&limit={limit}&lastTimeRetrieved={lastTimeRetrieved}&lastImportedBefore={lastImportedBefore}&includeAttributes={includeAttributes}&includeMenu={includeMenu}&includeSiteSettings={includeSiteSettings}

Retrives all of the sites matching the search term and divides the results based on the page size.


PUT v1/Settings/Site

Update a site settings.

POST v1/Menu/Master/{designId}

Starts master import for given design ID. Raw XML data are expceted as request body. Only RPOS typeo of import is supported. Response of the method is either HTTP status code 200 and empty resopnse body or standard error response containing error code and message. Success response means that data were stored for processing.

POST v1/Menu/SiteOverrides/{siteId}

Import price override for given site ID. Raw XML data are expceted as request body. Only RPOS typeo of import is supported. Response of the method is either HTTP status code 200 and empty resopnse body or standard error response containing error code and message. Success response means that data were stored for processing.

POST v1/Menu/SiteExclusions/{siteId}

Import site exclusion for given site ID. Raw XML data are expceted as request body. Only RPOS typeo of import is supported. Response of the method is either HTTP status code 200 and empty resopnse body or standard error response containing error code and message. Success response means that data were stored for processing.


GET Health/Status

No documentation available.


POST v1/Engage/createCompany

Creates a code

POST v1/Engage/searchCompany

Searches for a company from a given company name

GET v1/Engage/getAuthenticatedSettings

Gets AlohaEnterprise and related information from an authenticated user

GET v1/Engage/getCompanyOrders?rowReturn={rowReturn}&rowsToSkip={rowsToSkip}&search={search}

Gets list of recent company orders


POST v1/Authentication

Authenticate a user with web admin.